Friday, September 17, 2010

Build me a Dell?

Need some help out please!

Looking to get a hot Dell desktop. It's only for pattern browsing, music and word processing. It won't be used for gaming.

I've had a squirm about near the customizing thingy on the Dell website and think i've found a perfect one for about lb440 inc VAT and labour.

I'm not in the slightest computer minded so could someone beside a bit of knowledge put me together a roll?

Then I could compare it to what I came up beside.

Only criteria is it has to hold the 22 widescreen monitor and has to be the best spec lb440 can buy.

Thank you severely very much.

Build me a Dell?

for a fundamental computer go to:

(this is for UK, i figure bc you wanted to repay in pounds.)

OR you can shift here:

it doesnt come with any eyeshade, but you can get a 22 a LOT cheaper from another website.

The answers post by the user, for information solitary, does not guarantee the right.

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